Word of the day: “trichotillomania” : chronic hair pulling

Do you suffer from this? Check it out… http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002485/

Get rewarded for referrals!

Because of your support I want to help you get one step closer to the freebies that we all love! If I see one of your friends for a wax, then let me know and I will give you an extra stamp on your frequent waxer card. Yippee!

Pregnancy Waxing

What? You’re joking, right? Pregnant women get waxed? As if carrying around a pumpkin sized jumping bean, peeing every five minutes, and frequent flatulence isn’t torture enough, you want to add ripping hair out of my vagina to the mix? Well, like frequent flatulence, waxing during pregnancy is rarely, if ever, talked about. SOO unladylike, [...]

Attention: Brides-to-be

Did you know that September and October are National Waxing Months? Ok, not really, but it’s the only clever way I could think of getting your attention. Please add waxing to your list of grooming essentials for the big day by starting now to get ready for smooth, hairless, and irritation-free skin for that wedding [...]

Waxed for her pleasure or for his?

So let’s be blunt: yes, there is definitely a certain aesthetic appeal to a nicely manicured, if not completely mowed lawn. A trimming of the hedges. A little bush-whacking. Ok, ok enough of the euphemisms – you all know what I am talking about – yes, that’s right, the bikini wax! All types, from modest [...]

Just look at those brows…

Maybe it’s just me, but when I look at a face sometimes all I see is brow. Unless you are Brooke Shields, Frieda Kahlo, Audrey Hepburn, or any one of the more contemporary stars today who like to be identified by their fuzzy face-caterpillars, a big, bushy eyebrow may not be for you. I know [...]

Molly’s Wax Shop is now open for business!

Please join me in celebrating this milestone in my life of which I am so proud! I am also extremely proud of my very handy hubby who has created such wonderful artwork which will soon grace the shop walls. But the masterpiece, the signature of Molly’s Wax Shop, is the glorious yellow 6-foot feline you [...]

Shaving: The Painful Truth

Ok, you’re in your bikini, shorts, skirt, whatever, and you’re ready to strut your stuff, because you KNOW you look good. You sit down in a pose which is sure to attract a number of fine folks and you look down at your legs for one final check and aack!! what are those red bumps?? [...]

Client appreciation special – 10% off ANY waxing treatment!

Waxing is NOT LIKE the “40 Year Old Virgin”!

If you are a man, and you have a hairy back, getting that hair removed by such seemingly barbaric means as the one depicted in the 40-Year Old Virgin does not at all seem like something one would do voluntarily. But unless you have the hair suit of Steve Carrell or agliophobia, in reality, your [...]