October Newsletter – Scary Hairy!

Ohhh how frightful!!! No, not all the ghosts and goblins – your hair! Look at it! How do you expect to show off your sexy vampire TRICKS with that? The kids aren’t the only ones who should get TREATS for Halloween. Mwahahah!

Fortunately, I happen to have the means to remedy your dreadful situation. And it will hurt me more than it will hurt you. Or will it? Mwahahah?
Ok ok, I’ll stop. 
But seriously, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy October, a joyous Autumnal beginning, and a frightfully fun Halloween! 
Remember to come in and get your stamps on your Frequent Waxer Cards and that waxing referrals get you an extra stamp!
I’ll see you at the shop…
Kitty Kat dreams and candy corn wishes,
P.S. Thank you all, so much, for giving me and my little waxing shop in Raleigh a go. To my clients of many years or many months, thank you for continuing to put your faith and trust in me. To my new clients, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your grooming life. You are all so appreciated. 
And I ask that you continue to help a girl out by “liking” me on Facebook, following me onTwitter, and giving your opinions a voice through Google Places and Yelp. Thank you from the bottom of my beating heart. For now. Mwahahahaha!
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