Will this rain never end? Well I suppose I should be thankful: all the pollen appears to have been washed away and perhaps mosquito (nests?) are flooded. Vile creatures. Also the delay of warmer weather and sunshine has given folks longer time to let those pesky body hairs grow out for a fresh waxing! Woohoo! And since I love a good segue, let’s talk about the Shop and some exciting news!
InterAct is a private, nonprofit United Way agency that provides safety, support, and awareness to victims and survivors of domestic violence and rape/sexual assault. InterAct also promotes violence-free relationships and communities through collaboration, public information, education, and advocacy. InterAct is the only confidential domestic violence prevention program serving Wake County’s twelve municipalities.
InterAct was formed in the 1980′s by the merger of three Wake County agencies: Rape Crisis Center, Women’s Aid, and Child Abuse Prevention Services. The resulting agency was known as The Family Violence Prevention Center, Inc., and in 1984 became known as InterAct.