May Newsletter – scheduling, discounts, and anniversaries

Will this rain never end? Well I suppose I should be thankful: all the pollen appears to have been washed away and perhaps mosquito (nests?) are flooded. Vile creatures. Also the delay of warmer weather and sunshine has given folks longer time to let those pesky body hairs grow out for a fresh waxing! Woohoo! And since I love a good segue, let’s talk about the Shop and some exciting news!

First, as many of you have experienced, it’s gotten a lot harder to do last minute, even two-week advanced bookings. But there will always be cancellations and reschedules so don’t hesitate to email me or leave a voicemail with your preferred service, time and date, to be put on the wait list.  In the meantime, try to go ahead and pre-book your appointments for the upcoming months if you can…
Secondly, speaking of voicemail, I’m happy to announce that I’ve FINALLY solved the poor cellphone reception problem in the Shop. Though your call still may go to voicemail if I’m with a client, it’ll be much easier to answer your call if I have the time and be able to get back in touch with you sooner. I appreciate your patience :)
The next issue is kind of delicate but has to be mentioned: no-shows and being late. 
No-shows: if you don’t show up, no phone call or cancellation, there is just not enough time to fill that space, and a potential client who COULD show up is out of an appointment, and I am out of that income. Also it’s rude. If you have two no-shows, the system will boot you out and you will no longer be able to book an appointment. NOW there are exceptions of course, and I am totally flexible with those exceptions, just let me know! 
Being late: I make appointments with a small time buffer – to allot for flexibility in traffic patterns, children’s drama, etc., but if you are more than ten minutes late (5 minutes for the really small appointments), we may have to reschedule, as each appointment has it’s own specific time, and if you go past that “buffer” than it runs into another client’s time. And if it is I who is running late, then most likely it is from me trying to accomodate a late client, so thank you for your patience! And don’t hesitate to call if you’re running behind – it at least gives me the head’s up so I can determine how to time manage that service – thank you!!
And now for the REALLY exciting news!!

Next month (June) marks a milestone:
My one-year anniversary of opening Molly’s Wax Shop!! Woohoo!
And I couldn’t be happier with the amount of support, business, and hairy bodies that have come through my door. Thank you all!!! And as a show of appreciation, for the entire month of June I’d like to give you a discount – but there is a catch: A 10% discount off ANY service will be split between you (5%) and a 5% going to a Raleigh charity whose mission of women and children’s advocacy is close to my heart: INTERACT. You may have seen one of their base offices/stores off of Oberlin Road in Raleigh. Here is their mission statement:
InterAct is a private, nonprofit United Way agency that provides safety, support, and awareness to victims and survivors of domestic violence and rape/sexual assault. InterAct also promotes violence-free relationships and communities through collaboration, public information, education, and advocacy. InterAct is the only confidential domestic violence prevention program serving Wake County’s twelve municipalities.
History of InterAct
InterAct was formed in the 1980′s by the merger of three Wake County agencies: Rape Crisis Center, Women’s Aid, and Child Abuse Prevention Services. The resulting agency was known as The Family Violence Prevention Center, Inc., and in 1984 became known as InterAct.
Again, I thank you so much for your support, your referrals, your kind words, and putting your trust in me. Like I say on the website and I’ll repeat again and again – whether it’s a simple brow wax,  to the more  ”complicated” Brazilian, I am touching your body and that is extremely personal. I respect that relationship, and will do what I can to protect it. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you this past year and for those who are new to the Shop – welcome!!
Also, make sure you LIKE my FACEBOOK page to stay informed of blogs, waxing tips and tricks, skin care, and random silliness and hahas.
Thanks everyone and I’ll see you at the Shop!
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