Next month (June) marks a milestone: My one-year anniversary of opening Molly’s Wax Shop!! Woohoo! And I couldn’t be happier with the amount of support, business, and hairy bodies that have come through my door. Thank you all!!! And as a show of appreciation, for the entire month of June I’d like to give you a [...]
Coming soon: Interview with Sarah S. of Raleigh is Cool!
Stay tuned for an interview with the lovely Sarah Styron from the local blog, Raleigh is Cool! Yippee! My fifteen minutes!
May Newsletter – scheduling, discounts, and anniversaries
Will this rain never end? Well I suppose I should be thankful: all the pollen appears to have been washed away and perhaps mosquito (nests?) are flooded. Vile creatures. Also the delay of warmer weather and sunshine has given folks longer time to let those pesky body hairs grow out for a fresh waxing! Woohoo! [...]
Removing and treating ingrown hairs…
If, despite all your efforts, you wind up with an ingrown hair or two, here is a very informative article about how to take care of those pesky buggers…