An early wax is a happy wax!

Happy strangely-warm-outside-for-January day, all! I hope everyone is enjoying this amazing weather down south we are having. And speaking of down south (oh, yes I did) have you given any thought to a little spring cleaning? For those of you who may wait until bikini weather to begin yard maintenance, you may want to remember that an early wax is a good wax. Remember: for your hair to stay gone longer, ALL the hair must grow out together and it must ALL get waxed together. To do this, you need about THREE waxes (once a month) for the THREE stages of hair growth. And coincidentally there are about THREE months to go before you can bring out the sassy swimwear. So start now, and by the time you are ready for a little frolicking in the sand, or frolicking wherever, you’ll be ready :)

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